
大家過關《密境探險4(Uncharted 4 ,也譯神秘海域)》了嗎?筆者的好多朋友都拿到白金了,紛紛在社交網站上面宣傳炫耀。

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20160514143950

除了極為逼真的視覺聲光效果和動作感十足的運鏡外,這次《密境探險4》從一開始就吸引眾人的目光則是一些有趣的小彩蛋。例如德瑞克家中擺放著臺灣三峽祖師廟的畫像、在監獄的時候大喊另一款得獎的獨立遊戲《Papers Please》的經典台詞(因為該遊戲的製作人剛好就是參與之前《密境探險》系列,現已離職的前同事)、遊玩初代 Play Station 主機的《袋狼大進擊》,甚至連裡面登場的海賊都有一些有趣的歷史和遊戲穿插典故,之後再慢慢與大家分享

但其中的拍照模式則成為本作品最讓人回味的系統之一。比起之前的《最後生還者 Remaster 》的拍照模式更加進化,還可以調整各種影像和色彩參數,彷彿就讓這個動作冒險遊戲轉化成為另外一場精彩的攝影秀。美國的職業攝影師 Ray Soemarsono 最近就公開了他的《Uncharted 4 》攝影集。他說除了沒有親自拿相機以外,其他的拍攝角度、光線、景深或人物互動,他都是用一般拍照時的感覺與技巧來處理這一照片集,也就是把這遊戲當作一個真實的被寫體,


UC4-521 (2)Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20160515123247Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20160512150905Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20160512090539Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20160519130606UC4-521 (1)UC4-521 (3)UC4-521 (4)UC4-521 (6)UC4-521 (7)UC4-521 (8)Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20160519232435Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20160516133458UC4-521 (5)


另外,荷蘭美術與藝術紀念品製造商 Cook & Becker 也搭上了《密境探險 4 》的便車,他們與頑皮狗合作,共同推出了一套《密境探險 4》的限量美術稿,共 13 幅,而且每一幅只印製大約 50-100 份,售價在 99-145 美金,可謂是物以稀為貴。而這些美術概念稿,其實就是讓玩家表框放在自己家的牆壁閣樓上,如同德瑞克在自己家中做的事情一樣。

concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Nick Gindraux for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Nick Gindraux for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by Hyoung T.Nam for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by Hyoung T.Nam for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Nick Gindraux for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Nick Gindraux for Naughty Dog
concept art image and print for video game Uncharted 4 by artist John Sweeney for Naughty Dog
concept art image and print for video game Uncharted 4 by artist John Sweeney for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Robh Ruppel for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Robh Ruppel for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog
concept art image for video game Uncharted 4 by artist Eytan Zana for Naughty Dog

Ray Soemarsono|https://www.flickr.com/photos/83932730@N00/
Cook & Becker|https://www.candb.com/en/artgallery/1754/uncharted-4-prints.html